Malcom X
Malcolm X Självbiografi, Malcolm X, Haley, Alex (Pocket)
The Autobiography of Malcolm X, Malcolm X, Haley, Alex (Paperback)
Malcolm X Talar (original titel: Malcolm
X Speaks, översatt av Sven Bergström)
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Malcolm X Speaks: Selected Speeches and Statements, Breitman (Paperback)
Malcolm X: The End of White World Supremacy, X, Malcolm, Karim,
Imam Benjamin, Malcolm X
The Judas Factor: The Plot To Kill Malcolm X, Evanzz, Karl
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Malcolm X: The Seeker of Justice, Bassey, Magnus O.
Black Panther Party
The Black Panthers, Jones, Charles E., Jennings, William (Hardback)
Black Panther Party For Self Defense, Glover, Danny, Cleaver, Kathlean (Paper Back)
Liberation, Imagination and the Black Panther Party, Cleaver, Kathleen , Katsiaficas, George
Black Panther Party Reconsidered, Jones, Charles (Hardback)
Black Panther Party (Reconsidered), Jones, Charles (Paperback)
Black Panthers Speak, Foner, Philip S. (Paperback)
Framing the Black Panthers, Rhodes, Jane (Cloth)
Up Against the Wall: Violence in the Making and Unmaking of the Black Panther Party, Austin, Curtis J. (Trade
The Black Panthers in the Midwest, Witt, Andrew (Hardback)
A Panther Is a Black Cat: An Account of the Early Years of the Black Panther Party - Its Origins, Its Goals,
and Its Struggle for Survival, Major, Reginald (Trade Paper)
Will You Die with Me?: My Life and the Black Panther Party, Forbes, Flores Alexander (Trade Cloth)
This Side of Glory: The Autobiography of David Hilliard and the Story of the Black Panther Party, Cole, Lewis,
Hilliard, David (Paper Back)
In Search of the Black Panther Party, Lazerow, Jama, Williams, Yohuru (Hardback)
Panther: a Pictorial History of the Black Panthers and the Story behind the Film, Van Peebles, Mario, Taylor,
Ula Y., Lewis, J. Tarika (Paperback)
De Svarta Pantrarna, Marine, Gene (original
titel: The Black Panthers, översatt av Jan Stolpe)
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Huey P. Newton, The Radical Theorist, Jeffries, Judson, L. (Paperback)
Revolutionary Suicide, Newton, Huey P. (Paperback)
To Die For The People, Newton, Huey P. (Paperback)
War Against the Panthers, Newton, Huey P. (Hardback)
The Huey P.Newton Reader, Hilliard, David , Weise, Donald (Paper Back)
Revolutionary Intercommunalism And The Right Of Nations To Self-Determination, Newton, Huey P., Lenin, V.I.
Seize the Time, Seale, Bobby (Paperback)
Tiden är inne, Seale, Bobby (original
titel: Seize the time)
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Barbeque'n with Bobby, Seale, Bobby (Paperback)
Soul on Ice, Cleaver, Eldridge (Trade Paper)
Fråga Inte Ditt Land, Cleaver, Eldridge
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All Makt Åt Folket, Cleaver, Eldridge
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Samtal Med Eldridge Cleaver i Alger, Lockwood, Lee
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Being Black, Jackson, George, Cleaver, Eldridge (Paperback)
Target Zero: A Life in Writing, Cleaver, Eldridge (Trade Cloth)
Black Power
Passa Dej Viting! Black Power Är Ute Efter
Din Morsa Lester, Julius (original titel: Look Out, Whitey! Black Power's Gon' Get Your Mama!, översättning
av Gull Brunius)
Slav Eller Fri, Lester, Julius
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Autobiography Of Martin Luther King Jr., King Jr, Martin Luther (Paperback)
Autobiography Of Martin Luther King Jr., King Jr, Martin Luther (Audiobook On CD)
The Words of Martin Luther King, King, Coretta, King Jr, Martin Luther (Paperback)
The Words of Martin Luther King, Jr., King, Martin Luther, Jr., King, Coretta Scott (Trade Paper)
Martin Luther King, Penguin, Readers (Häftad)
Martin Luther King, Carson, Clayborne (Inbunden)
Fakta böcker
Rasismens Ideologer : Från Gobineau Till Hitler,
Kramár, Leo
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Antirasistiskt Lexikon, Utbildningsförlaget
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Antirasister, Lindqvist, Sven
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Om Gäng i USA
Blue Rage, Black Redemption, Williams, Stanley
Life in Prison, Williams, Stanley 'Tookie', Becnel, Barbara Cottman (Paperback)
Life in Prison, Williams, Stanley Tookie (Trade Cloth)
Redemption: The Last Testament of Stanley 'Tookie' Williams, Williams, Stanley (Paperback)
Redemption: From Original Gangster to Nobel Prize Nominee - The Extraordinary Life Story of Stanley Tookie
Williams, Williams, Stanley (Paperback)
Klicka här för att ladda ner Stanley "Tookie" Williams "Peace Protocol" (PDF)
Monster: The Autobiography of an L.A.Gang Member, Shakur, Sanyika (Paperback A Format)
Monster: The Autobiography of an L.A. Gang Member, Shakur, Sanyika (Trade Paper)
Do or die, Bing, Leon (Paperback)